Orange MicroPigment 1/2 oz


Biotouch Semi Permanent Makeup Micropigments
Orange Micropigment
Corrector Colors Neutralizes darker tones of blue and gray brows and lips. For blue eyebrow correction don’t use alone—dilute with 10-20 drops of water. Add Blue Lip Corrector on darker skin tones to prevent lips turning to blue. Add to Black to prevent eyeliner turning to blue.



Natural shades of color for every skin tone to match, mix or fix. Colors formulated to camouflage and neutralize – from lightest to darkest, from natural tones to brightest tones.

With hues of Rose, Olive, Brown to Jet Black, every color in the pallette comes to life! Precise values of beiges will conceal imperfections, even scarring.

Our professional support team helps technicians achieve the most successful results possible with the Biotouch MicroPigment and Corrective Color line.

The consistency and quality in each bottle gives assurance that every permanent makeup as well as para-medical procedure is going to begin with the most reliable formulations of choice around the world!